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The air conditioning on a car, helps you keep your cars interior temperature to a comfortable level, especially on those hot summer days .

If you are someone who has always been curious about how car AC system works, continue reading below for a deeper look into air-conditioner theory, system components and system operation.

The air-conditioning system in a car works by manipulating refrigerant between a liquid and a gaseous state. As the refrigerant changes states, it absorbs heat and humidity from the vehicle and allows the system to give off cool, dry air.

To change the refrigerant between a liquid and a gaseous state, the air-conditioning system works to control pressure and temperature.

To do so, the car air conditioning relies on its components:

Refrigerant (Freon)
AC compressor
Expansion Valve or Orifice Tube
Dryer or Accumulator

Because automotive air-conditioning systems operate under pressure, they need to remain completely sealed from the surrounding environment. Anything that allows refrigerant to escape or contaminants to enter can cause a failure.

When auto air conditioning systems break down or wear out, refrigerant can leak. Not only is refrigerant harmful to the environment, but it can also damage your vehicle’s evaporator and compressor. Getting a vehicle’s air conditioner serviced at the first sign of trouble can save you both money and time.

You’ll learn this and more on the posts of this blog.

You can also stop by Comtires to have your Car Air Conditioning inspected and serviced by our ASE certified technicians.